Catalogues “vidas privadas” Colección Fundación Foto Colectania Fundación Astroc and Fundación Foto ColectaniaEVA COMERFORD2024
CataloguesNewsprints EXE 2019: Un año de exposiciones en la Región de Murcia Rubio & del AmoAngel2022
Photobooks Epics: Photography, Architecture, and the Problem of Realism Jesús Vassallo Park BooksAngel2022
Critical Resources Zhu Yi! Fotografía actual en China (Chinese Contemporary Photography) Susana Iturrioz ArtiumAngel2022
Photobook Resources Photobooks: Spain 1905-1977 Horacio Fernández Editorial RM and Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina SofiaAngel2022
Critical Resources Guerilla Girls 1985 – 2012 Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo Centro Andaluz de Arte ContemporáneoAngel2022
PhotobooksVarious Artists Photobooks Die Verwerfung (The Fault Line) Carlos Spottorno and Guillermo Abril FOTOHOF editionAngel2022
PhotobooksVarious Artists Photobooks Evidences as to Man’s Place in Nature Carlos Albalá and Ignasi López B-Side booksAngel2022
Photobooks Révélations: Iconographie de la Salpêtrière, Paris 1875-1918 Javier Viver Editorial RMAngel2022
Photobooks Moving Forward, Looking Back: Journeys Across the Old Spanish Trail Janire Nàjera Editorial RMAngel2022
Photobooks Marín: Fotografias 1908-1940 Luis Ramón Marín Fundacion Telefonica, Instituto CervantesAngel2022
Photobooks Trepat: A Case Study In Avant-Garde Photography Joan Fontcuberta Éditions BessardAngel2021
Photobooks Centelles: The Lives of a Photographer, 1909-1985 Agustin Centelles Lunwerg EditoresAngel2021
Catalogues Seis (O Siete) Falsos Ejercicios Para la Estimulacion del Tracto Intestinal Biel Capllonch Sala Kursala/ University of CádizAngel2021