Affinity Paths
Various Artists
Instituto Cervantes
English, Spanish
Curated by Oliva María Rubio and Alain Jullien.
180 pages
210 x 275 mm
ISBN 9788496008724
This exhibition publication compiles works from ten prominent Spanish photographers: Bleda y Rosa, Ferran Freixa, Cristina García Rodero, Alberto García-Alix, Cristóbal Hara, Ouka Leele, Chema Madoz, Ángel Marcos, Xavier Ribas and Javier Vallhonrat. This compilation reflects two main tendencies in Spanish photography: documentary, commenced in the second half of the last century, and, introduced in the sixties conceptual photography with its impact over decades.
(source: https://business-review.eu/bucharest-going-out/spanish-photography-goes-on-show-in-bucharest-10021-6746)
About the Curator
Oliva María Rubio is a Spanish contemporary art exhibition curator and currently works as the artistic director of La Fábrica , a private cultural management company in Madrid.
(source: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliva_Mar%C3%ADa_Rubio)
Alain Jullien is the Curator of the Biennial International Photography Exhibition for Guangdong Art Museum, and Chief Curator for the Photography Exhibition for the Third Dali International Photography Exhibition. He is also co- founder of Lianzhou International Photography Festival (LIPF) and Pingyao International Photography Festival (PIP).
(source: https://prixpictet.com/nominators/jullien-alain/)
About the Publisher
Instituto Cervantes is based in Madrid and in Alcalá de Henares (in Madrid province), the city where the writer Miguel de Cervantes was born. Instituto Cervantes centres are spread across five continents. The work of Instituto Cervantes is directed by representatives from the academic, cultural and literary world within the field of Spanish and Hispanic-America. In Dublin, the Institute collaborates with museums, galleries, theatres, publishing houses and other Irish cultural institutions, as well as Spanish and Latin-American organisms.
(source: https://dublin.cervantes.es/en/about_us_spanish.htm)