Vicky Méndiz
70 pages
160 × 240 mm
ISBN 9788461721665
Honne/Tatemae explores the ambiguity and mystery generated by the tension between the facade that one presents in society (tatemae) and hidden aspects of the true self (honne). These photographs look beyond outward appearance and social norms, exploring the spaces between conscious and unconscious, self and other, light and shadow. And they venture into something as profound and intimate as identity in constant change. In this way, through the pursuit of and the execution of these photos Japan becomes a mirror of itself.
About the Artist
Vicky Méndiz (Zaragoza, Spain, 1978) lives and works in Barcelona. She graduated in Art History. Her field of creation lies in everyday life and in the intimate relationship between human beings and nature and memory. Her work investigates the boundaries between the visible and invisible within the field of photography and the unconscious. She explores synesthesia in her creative work process.