Various Artists Photobooks Déjà View Martin Parr and The Anonymous Project Hoxton Mini PressAngel2023
Photobooks The Adventures of Guille and Belinda and The Enigmatic Meaning of Their Dreams Alessandra Sanguinetti MACKAngel2023
Critical Resources Restitution (The Return of Cultural Artefacts) Alexander Herman Co-published by Lund Humphries and Sotheby’s Institute of ArtAngel2023
Critical Resources The Art Fair Story (A Rollercoaster Ride) Melanie Gerlis Co-published by Lund Humphries and Sotheby’s Institute of ArtAngel2023
Critical Resources The Rise and Rise of the Private Art Museum Georgina Adam Co-published by Lund Humphries and Sotheby’s Institute of ArtAngel2023
Critical Resources Devour the Land: War and American Landscape Photography since 1970 Makeda Best Yale University PressAngel2022
Photobooks The African Lookbook: A Visual History of 100 Years of African Women Catherine E. McKinley BloomsburyAngel2022
CataloguesNewsprints Dear Truth: Documentary Strategies in Contemporary Photography Kerstin Hamilton Hasselblad Centre Angel2022
Design Resources 29LT Type Specimen Issue #02: Intriguing Script Journeys 29Letters Type FoundryAngel2022
Catalogues The Press Photographer of the Year Awards 2021 The Press Photographers Association of IrelandAngel2022
Artists' Publications The Land for the People: The Sexual Case for Land Reform in Ireland Eimear Walshe The National Sculpture FactoryAngel2022
Catalogues What Happens to the World Happens to Us Bienal ’21 Fotografia Porto Ci.CLO Plataforma FotografiaAngel2022
Magazines and Periodicals Issue 7904: Ones to Watch 2021 British Journal of Photography 1854 MediaAngel2022
Magazines and Periodicals Issue 7905: Activism & Protest British Journal of Photography 1854 MediaAngel2022
Catalogues Circulation(s): Festival de la Jeune Photographie Européenne 2021Various Artists Le Bec en l’airAngel2022
CataloguesMagazines and Periodicals La Linea Prodiga Cristina de Middel Consorci Museus de la Comunitat ValencianaAngel2022
Magazines and PeriodicalsNewsprints The Visual Artists’ News Sheet Issue 6 Visual Artists Ireland Angel2022
CataloguesNewsprints HYBRIDS: Forging New Realities as Counter-Narrative Futures Photography Futures PhotographyAngel2022