Speak The Wind
Hoda Afshar
576 pages
220 x 260 mm
ISBN 9781913620189
On the islands in the Strait of Hormuz, off the southern coast of Iran, there is a common belief that the winds can possess a person, bringing illness and disease. The existence of similar convictions in some African countries suggests that the cult may have been brought to Iran from southeast Africa through the Arab slave trade. This history is rarely spoken about but these winds and the traces they have left on the islands and their inhabitants are the touchstone for Hoda Afshar’s Speak The Wind. Through her subtle and perceptive images of the extraordinary landscapes, the people and their rituals, Afshar’s beautiful and complex book attempts to picture the wind and its psychic entanglements, to form a visible record of the invisible.
(source: https://mackbooks.co.uk/products/speak-the-wind-br-hoda-afshar)
About the Artist
Hoda Afsharwas (b.1983 Tehran, Iran) completed a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Art– Photography in Tehran, and her Ph.D. thesis in Creative Arts at Curtin University. Hoda began her career as a documentary photographer in Iran in 2005, and since 2007 she has been living in Australia where she practices as a visual artist and also lectures in photography and fine art. Hoda is represented by Milani Gallery in Brisbane, Australia.
Through her art practice, Hoda explores the nature and possibilities of documentary image-making. Working across photography and moving-image, she considers the representation of gender, marginality, and displacement. In her work, she employs processes that disrupt traditional image-making practices, play with the presentation of imagery, or merge aspects of conceptual, staged, and documentary photography.
(source: https://www.hodaafshar.com/cv)
About the Publisher
MACK is an independent art and photography publishing house based in London. Mack works with established and emerging artists, writers and curators, and cultural institutions, releasing between 20-25 books per year. The publisher was founded in 2010 in London by Michael Mack.
(source: https://mackbooks.co.uk/pages/about-us)