Chaque Mercredi Caracas
Various Artists
Published in collaboration with CMP Projects Critical Media Practice, Harvard University.
Edited by Noha Mokhtar, Xavier Nueno and Gregor Huber.
Text by Xavier Nueno.
268 pages
230 x 130 mm
ISBN 9783033083097
Chaque Mercredi Caracas presents a sequence of black and white images taken from the travel sections of the newspapers Le Monde and The New York Times, from the 1960s onwards. By focusing on visual representations of “the Other” in travel reportages and advertisements, the collection of images explores the relationship between colonialism and the evolution of mass tourism in the second half of the 20th century: A world that is within reach and ready for consumption.
(source: https://www.thelibraryproject.ie/collections/art-theory/products/chaque-mercredi-caracas)
About the Publisher
Edition Hors-Sujet is an interdisciplinary publishing initiative run by Gregor Huber, Ivan Sterzinger and Noha Mokhtar since 2018 in Zurich, Switzerland.
(source: http://www.edition-hs.com/info.php)