(1944 – 1991) Former NKVD – MVD – MGB – KGB Buildings
Indrė Šerpytytė
Kaunas Photography Gallery
English, Lithuanian
Includes an essay by Ossian Ward and Natalija Arlauskaitė.
Edition of 1000
496 pages
200 x 280 mm
ISBN 9786098099409
Indre Serpytyte’s series of photographs Former NKVD – MVD – MGB – KGB Buildings is centred on the after effects of WWII in Lithuania. Her black and white images of houses tell with graceful economy the poignant and almost forgotten story of what she calls a ‘brutal, inhumane’ war, in which people were interrogated and tortured in what were once family homes. She commissioned hand-carved wooden models from a Lithuanian craftsperson who based them on her photographs and archival imagery of the houses which Serpytype revisited and researched in depth. Rather than representing the buildings themselves, or showing the inhabitants or victims directly, Serpytyte chooses a diverse approach in which the photographs of the models are the finished artworks. In using models, and a collaborative working process based on archival research and site visits, she is commenting on both the physical and humanitarian scale and memory of the events as filtered over time. In total her works make a powerful humanitarian statement about resistance, memory, fortitude and the long process of healing after trauma.
(source: https://www.thelibraryproject.ie/products/1944-1991-former-nkvd-mvd-mgb-kgb-buildings-indre-serpytyte?_pos=1&_sid=bd351a850&_ss=r)
About the Artist
Indrė Šerpytytė is a Lithuanian artist living and working in London. Šerpytytė is concerned with the impact of war on history and perception, and works with photography, sculpture, installation and painting.
(source: https://indre-serpytyte.com/About)
About the Publisher
The Kaunas Photography Gallery extends the long publishing tradition in Lithuania, and now not only concentrates on simply presenting photographers, but also on continuing research into Lithuanian photography. Thanks to its successful publishing activities, Lithuanian photography is winning greater recognition than ever before. It is gradually becoming more acknowledged on the international scene, and is featured at major international photography book events.
(source: https://shop.kaunasgallery.lt/en/about/)