Photobooks Moving Forward, Looking Back: Journeys Across the Old Spanish Trail Janire Nàjera Editorial RMAngel2022
Photobooks Marín: Fotografias 1908-1940 Luis Ramón Marín Fundacion Telefonica, Instituto CervantesAngel2022
Photobooks Trepat: A Case Study In Avant-Garde Photography Joan Fontcuberta Éditions BessardAngel2021
Photobooks Centelles: The Lives of a Photographer, 1909-1985 Agustin Centelles Lunwerg EditoresAngel2021
Catalogues Seis (O Siete) Falsos Ejercicios Para la Estimulacion del Tracto Intestinal Biel Capllonch Sala Kursala/ University of CádizAngel2021