Critical Resources Curatorial Activism: Towards an Ethics of Curating Maura Reilly Thames & HudsonAngel2023
PhotobooksVarious Artists Photobooks Double Trouble Graham Walzer and Nathanael Turner Graham Walzer and Nathanael TurnerAngel2022
Photobooks The African Lookbook: A Visual History of 100 Years of African Women Catherine E. McKinley BloomsburyAngel2022
CataloguesNewsprints Despite Similarities to Reality, This is a Work of Fiction (Volumes I – IV)Ryan Spencer Reed Videre Editions and Weapons-Grade PressAngel2022
OversizedPhotobooksVarious Artists Photobooks You and Me Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber Spector BooksAngel2022
OversizedPhotobooksVarious Artists Photobooks Orchard Volume Two: Not Seen | Not Said Wes Mills and Raymond Meeks Silas FinchAngel2022
OversizedPhotobooks Orchard Volume One: Crime Victims Chronicle Deborah Luster and Raymond Meeks Silas FinchAngel2022
Magazines and PeriodicalsPhotobooks Photopaper 55 / 56 Ken Schles Kasseler Fotografie FestivalAngel2022
Magazines and PeriodicalsPhotobooks Photopaper 42 Jason Fulford Kasseler Fotografie FestivalAngel2022
Magazines and PeriodicalsPhotobooks Photopaper 33 / 34 Susan Meiselas Kasseler Fotografie FestivalAngel2022
Magazines and Periodicals Photopaper 10 Carlos Spottorno and Guillermo Abril Kasseler Fotografie FestivalAngel2022
Critical ResourcesDesign Resources Beautiful Evidence Edward R. Tufte Graphics Press (Self-Published)Angel2022
Critical Resources Picturing the Cosmos Hubble Space Telescope Images and the Astronomical Sublime Elizabeth A. Kessler MinnesotaAngel2022
Critical Resources PhotoWork: Forty Photographers on Process and Practice Sasha Wolf ApertureAngel2022
Critical Resources The Photographer’s Playbook: 307 Assignments and Ideas Jason Fulford and Gregory Halpern ApertureAngel2022
Critical Resources Conversation Pieces Community and Communication in Modern Art Grant Kester University of California PressAngel2022
Critical Resources Quitting Your Day Job: Chauncey Hare’s Photographic Work Robert Slifkin MACKAngel2022
Irish PhotobooksPhotobooks Rewilding the Feminine Madison Donohue Griffith College and PhotoIrelandAngel2022
PhotobooksVarious Artists Photobooks The Looking Game M.F.G. Paltrinieri and Mirko Smerdel Akina BooksAngel2022
PhotobooksVarious Artists Photobooks The Corinthians: A Kodachrome Slideshow Ed Jones and Timothy Prus Archive of Modern ConflictAngel2022
PhotobooksVarious Artists Photobooks Recipes for Disaster Barbara Ciurej and Lindsay Lochman Barbara Ciurej and Lindsay LochmanAngel2022
PhotobooksVarious Artists Photobooks Processed Views: Surveying The Industrial Landscape Barbara Ciurej and Lindsay Lochman Barbara Ciurej and Lindsay LochmanAngel2022
PhotobooksVarious Artists Photobooks More Cooning with Cooners Kalev Erickson The Archive of Modern ConflictAngel2022