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On Photography
Susan Sontag

On Photography Susan Sontag

On Photography Susan SontagOn Photography
Susan Sontag


224 pages
111 x 181 mm
ISBN 9780141035789


On Photography is a seminal volume of essays on the subject of photography. Susan Sontag confronts important questions surrounding the power dynamics between photographer and subject, the blurred boundary between lived events and recreated images, and the desires that lead us to record our lives.

About the Author
Susan Sontag was an American writer, philosopher, and political activist. Predominantly an essayist and novelist, she published her first major work, the essay “Notes on ‘Camp'”, in 1964.

About the Publisher
Penguin Books is a British publishing house. It was co-founded in 1935 by Sir Allen Lane with his brothers Richard and John, as a line of the publishers The Bodley Head, only becoming a separate company the following year. Penguin revolutionised publishing in the 1930s through its inexpensive paperbacks, sold through Woolworths and other high street stores for sixpence, bringing high-quality fiction and non-fiction to the mass market. Its success showed that large audiences existed for serious books. It also had a significant impact on public debate in Britain through its books on culture, politics, the arts, and science.



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