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Beautiful Evidence
Edward R. Tufte

Beautiful Evidence by Edward Tufte

Beautiful Evidence by Edward TufteBeautiful Evidence
Edward R. Tufte
Graphics Press (Self-Published)


213 Pages
230 x 270 mm
2013, 2006
ISBN 9780961392178


Science and art have in common intense seeing, the wide-eyed observing that generates visual information. Beautiful Evidence is about how seeing turns into showing, how data and evidence turn into explanation. The book identifies excellent and effective methods for showing nearly every kind of information, suggests many new designs (including sparklines), and provides analytical tools for assessing the credibility of evidence presentations (which are seen from both sides: how to produce and how to consume presentations). For alert consumers of presentations, there are chapters on diagnosing evidence corruption and PowerPoint pitches. Beautiful Evidence concludes with two chapters that leave the world of pixel and paper flatland representations – and move onto seeing and thinking in space land, the real-land of three-space and time.

About the Author
Edward R. Tufte is Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Statistics, and Computer Science. His research concerns statistical evidence and scientific visualization. He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Society for Technical Communication. He has received followships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Science, and has been awarded seven honorary Doctorates. His publications include Visual Explanations; Envisioning Information; The Visual Display of Quantitative Information; Political Control of the Economy; Data Analysis for Politics and Policy; and Size and Democracy (with Robert A. Dahl).

About the Publisher
Graphics Press is Edward R. Tufte’s own publishing house.

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