Various Artists Photobooks Alternative Moons Robert Pufleb and Nadine Schlieper The Eriskay ConnectionAngel2023
Critical ResourcesZines Marie-Hélène Leblanc, Jennifer Lacey, Lætitia Sadier and Mathieu Copeland collection Digressions 10 Captures ÉditionsAngel2023
CataloguesNewsprints EXE 2017: Un año de exposiciones en la Región de Murcia Rubio & del AmoAngel2022
Design Resources The Zines of Production Various Artists Hardworking Goodlooking and Artbooks.phAngel2022
CataloguesCritical ResourcesMagazines and Periodicals Migrant 2: Wired Capital Migrant Journal Migrant JournalAngel2022
Catalogues Landskrona Foto Festival 2017: Minne / Memory Various Artists Landskrona FotofestivalAngel2022