Design Resources Issue 72: ProtestTypographic International Society of Typographic DesignersEVA COMERFORD2024
Critical Resources Photography Of Protest And Community: The Radical Collectives of the 1970s Noni Stacey Lund HumphriesAngel2023
Irish PhotobooksZines Les années de plomb (Tribute To Bobby Sands) Yan Morvan Cahier CentralAngel2022
Magazines and Periodicals Issue 7905: Activism & Protest British Journal of Photography 1854 MediaAngel2022
Magazines and PeriodicalsPhotobooks Photopaper 55 / 56 Ken Schles Kasseler Fotografie FestivalAngel2022
Photobooks Nearly Every Rose on the Barriers in From in the Parliament Rafał Milach JEDNOSTKAAngel2022
Irish PhotobooksPhotobooks Visual Notes from the Recession Time: Ireland 2008 – 2013 Tom Szustek Uspecto ImagesAngel2022
CataloguesPhotobooks William Klein: Fotografier av årets Hasselbladspristagare William Klein Hasselblad CentreAngel2022