Side to Side
James McPherson and Shannon Brady
Clown Kisses Press
24 pages
203 x 265 mm
ISBN Not Available
Side to Side is a 26 page photo book that takes images from the East and West coasts of the United States by James McPherson and Shannon Brady. The photos and writing serve as a conversation about the two coasts. James is from California and Shannon is from Virginia. However, both have swapped states and now live on the opposite coasts of where they started.
(source: https://www.clownkissespress.com/#/side-to-side/)
About the Artists
James McPherson is an American painter and printmaker. He has a BFA from Virginia Commonwealth University.
(source: http://www.jamesmcphersonstudio.com/page-cv)
Shannon Brady is a teacher and artist who works with textiles and natural dyeing.
(source: https://www.shannonbrady.studio/about)
About the Publisher
Started by three VCUarts Alumni Clown Kisses Press was briefly known as “Clown Meat Press” this was quickly deemed to be “maybe a little too much”. Next a risograph printer was purchased and the rest is history. Clown Kisses Press is a risograph press based in Richmond,VA specializing in zines, books, comics, prints, posters, etc.
Clown Kisses Press looks to work with emerging artists as a place to create and publish a work as part of an edition. Also, Clown Kisses Press is a local printer that can offer printing services to those with a risograph project in mind.
(source: https://www.clownkissespress.com/about)