Jardines de arena: Fotografía comercial en Oriente Próximo 1859-1905
Turner Publications
144 Pages
245 x 290 mm
ISBN 9788475068961
Between 1859 and 1905, a wide variety of photographers active in Damascus, Mecca, Cairo, Istanbul and the Maghreb recreated their ancient landscapes, towns and monuments, bequeathing an unprecedented visual documentation of the Middle East. Sand Gardens is an editorial project that rescues 100 original photographs, mostly unpublished masterpieces, taken between 1859 and 1905.
The archive illustrates the themes and specialties of expatriate photographers in the second half of the 19th century: studio portraits, commissions from kings, landscaping, inventory of relevant monuments and buildings, orientalist scenes, imbued with classical European imagination. However, the project also explores the confrontation of these pioneers with what is foreign, and of the Western imaginary with the visual reality of the Middle East, an encounter that ultimately led to the birth of a local photography, little by little away from Western stereotypes.
(source: https://www-publiarq-com.translate.goog/libros/jardines-de-arena-fotografia-comercial-en-oriente-proximo-1859-1905/978-84-7506-896-1/?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc)
About the Authors
Clark Worswick is a photographic historian and a photography collector.
(source: https://books.google.ie/books/about/The_Orchid_House_Art_Smuggling_and_Appoi.html?id=h3gRkAEACAAJ&source=kp_author_description&redir_esc=y)
Dr Issam Nassar, is a Palestinian historian of photography in Palestine and the Middle East. He is professor of History at Illinois State University and a research fellow at the Institute for Palestine Studies.
(source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Issam_Nassar)
Patricia Almarcegui is a Spanish journalist and author.
About the Publisher
Turner Publishing Company is an award-winning, independent publisher of books. The company is in the top 101 independent publishing companies in the U.S. as compiled by Bookmarket.com and has been named five times to Publishers Weekly’s Fastest Growing Publishers List. Todd Bottorff, President and Publisher, was featured on the cover of Publisher’s Weekly in March 2009 after being named to their fastest growing publisher list.
(source: https://turnerbookstore.com/pages/about-turner-publishing)