The Radiance of Disaster
Stephanie Montes
Images Vevey
90 pages
230 x 165 mm
ISBN 9782940624027
An exploration of themes inspired by nature fearless, singular gaze landed on our environment, to highlight the vital link that unites men and nature.
(source performarts.net/performarts)
About the Artist
Stephanie born in Columbia, lives and works in Madrid. Her art practice inquires about human condition and its relationship with nature, body and territory in the several transformations the world is facing nowdays. She works with multidisciplinary resources which include photography, video-art, sound composition and editorial media. She is interested in explore the narrative and poetic potential of images, expanding them into an artistic practice in order to translate a judicious research work into creation. She moves at the intersections between art and pedagogy, exploring the possibilities of collective agency through aesthetic experience.
About the Publisher
Fondation Vevey ville d’images contributes to the promotion and cultural development of the region in the field of visual arts, through the promotion of the “Vevey town of Images” concept. The Political Authorities created this concept in the 1990s to highlight the large number of companies and institutions related to image and visual communication that operate on the Vaud Riviera.
In order to accomplish its missions, the Foundation has three main activities, which it finances and develops over a two-year period: the Festival Images Vevey, the Grand Prix Images Vevey and the Espace Images Vevey. The Fondation Vevey ville d’images brings together all its operational activities under the Images Vevey brand under a single entity.