Irish Cultural Center (Centre Culturel Irlandais)
20th Aniversary
Paris Foto
Current Artists in Residency: Julia Gelezova, Liam McCartan, Liam McCarthy, Laura Kutkaite, Conan McIvor, Selma Makela, Nikita Grivorov and Laura Kutkaite.
Softcover (catalog)
34 Pages
135 x 210 mm
ISBN Not Available
In the fall of 2002, the Center Culturel Irlandais was inaugurated in the unique 18th century building of the former Irish College in Paris, after a major renovation. At the time a symbol of an ambitious new start in the Irish state’s commitment to the arts, the CCI was dubbed ‘Irish’s first overseas cultural centre’ . Thus began a fabulous baptism of fire for a small team responsible for establishing a new space in the Parisian and Irish cultural landscape, and transforming a building with a religious vocation into a contemporary center for the arts. CCI’s first-ever exhibition, titled Innocent Landscapes, by photographer David Farrell, highlighted the sites where IRA victims were secretly buried. From the outset, the tone was set: the Irish Cultural Center would not hesitate to represent all facets of contemporary Ireland.
(source: https://www.centreculturelirlandais.com/en-ce-moment/expositions-evenements/le-centre-culturel-irlandais-f%C3%AAte-ses-20-ans)
About the Organisation
Providing up-and-coming artists and musicians with a platform has also been an important thrust of the CCI’s vision with performers like Gavin James, Ye Vagabonds and Saint Sister playing at the beginning of their careers. The CCI is now considered one of the best places in Paris for Fête de la Musique on 21 June (Le Monde) – thousands gather in the courtyard to enjoy The Gloaming, Lisa Hannigan or Bell X1 and, this year, an international celebration of hip-hop! ParisPhoto is another cultural highlight that the CCI is now fully associated with each year – our exhibition openings (Paul Seawright, Hannah Starkey, Donovan Wylie…) have become an established festival destination.
(source: https://www.centreculturelirlandais.com/en-ce-moment/expositions-evenements/le-centre-culturel-irlandais-f%C3%AAte-ses-20-ans)