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Blow, Landscape and Architecture

Blow, Landscape and Architecture

Landscape & Architecture: Issue 4

Edited by Agata Stoinska and Monika Chmielarz 

Contributors David Farrell, Petur Thomsen, Frederic DelangleAlexander Gronsky, Kalle KatailaTodd Hido,  Edgar MartinsMark LyonCorinne Vionnet,  Myoung Ho Lee,  Nicholas Alan CopeOliver Most, Agata Stoinska and Patricio Cassinoni


Edition of 1000
48 Pages
380 x 290
ISSN 2009339X


As an Irish publication, it gives us great pride to feature our first Irish cover photographer; David Farrell a seasoned landscape photographer, David’s insights into photographing the land are truly inspirational. his understanding of the relationship between man and landscape and the layers of human history embedded in the earth changes our interpretation of landscape as purely visual or aesthetic.

In addition to a study of our environment, this issue includes both urban landscape and architecture as an extension of our vernacular surroundings. Architecture itself derives inspiration from the landscape and also speaks to us in terms of historical voice and social requirement.

What unfolds in this issue is the contemporary photographer as explorer. Not only do the featured artists venture out into the world to return with images from afar, they reveal as much about ourselves as the world we live in and where we are headed.

About the Magazine
Blow photo is published and printed 3 times per year with a limit of only 1,000 editions, making the collection a rare possession for anyone interested in contemporary fine art photography.

Each edition reveals a unique photographic thematic narrative captured through the lens of some of the world’s most talented contemporary photographers. carefully selected and brought together by our editors,  this arrangement of a diverse group of artists – acclaimed and emerging, plays a vital role in revealing the story envisioned by blow. the themes may be familiar, but the visual stories they tell are unique.

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