Henrik Duncker
36 pages
150 x 210 mm
Most of Finns have a summer cottage or a garden. I have neither, and I live in a block house. During the last 18 years I have spent summers in a Latvian village and there our “summer cottage” is a flat in a block house. However, each flat has a backyard garden where people grow berries, fruits and vegetables. And of course flowers, mostly for adorning graves. (Well, at least my mother in law grew them for that purpose). One evening I took a couple of random flower pictures, but didn’t think much of it. It was only later that I registered the multitude and soon I was stupefied by the vitality of the backyard gardens. I wanted to see how flowers look if photographed with a flash in daylight. This was about eight years back. For long I didn’t know how to use the pictures – until the pandemic transmuted our life. When various restrictions had kept us in limbo for months, I thought now is the time to wake the series from dead and make a little book of flower pictures. Bloom!
About the Artist
Henrik Duncker was born in Helsinki 1963. He holds a Master of Arts from the University of Art and Design, Helsinki. He lives in Helsinki and works as an independent photographer and artist.