A Year in Sweden
Björn Larsson
Swedish, English, Korean, Arabic
224 pages
298 x 240 mm
ISBN 9789187939389
More than 100 photographs of vandalised car wrecks pass through in Björn Larsson’s new book with the subtitle “Joyrides, Car Fires and Places of Slaughter”. Abandoned, they stand in the middle of the city or on solitary country roads, handed over to spare parts pickers and as relics of an industrial era in transformation. The pictures are the result of Björn Larsson having the Egyptian hand colourist Maha Kamel freely read and color his black and white photographs. The result is special.
The title of the book is also a truth with modification. The pictures are taken 1999-2016 but in the book presented seasonally. A separate folded poster, 660 x 940 mm, showing all the b/w images before they were hand-coloured, comes with the book.
(source: https://journal-photobooks.com/products/bjorn-larsson-a-year-in-sweden)
About the Artist
Björn Larsson (b. 1966, Lund) is a Swedish artist and photographer. He graduated in 1992 from the University of Gothenburg and is based in Stockholm.
(source: http://bjornlarsson.org/article/64/biography)
About the Publisher
Journal was founded by Gösta Flemming in 1991 with the aim to publish photo books. They are based in Sweden.
(source: https://journal-photobooks.com/pages/about)