Uncertain States
Issue 14
12 pages
530 × 380 mm
ISSN Not Available
Contributors to Issue 14 include Richard Sawdon Smith, Charan Singh, Francisco Gomez de Villaboa, Gabriel Andreu, Geoff Titley, James M Barrett, Richard Ansett, Richard Sawdon Smith, Sara Moralo and Sunil Gupta.
About the Periodical
Uncertain States is an artist-led project that publishes and distributes a free quarterly broadsheet newspaper showcasing lens-based-art. They also hold monthly talks that focus on contemporary photography and organise and curate an annual exhibition to showcase our contributors’ work. Formed in 2009 by Fiona Yaron-Field, David George and Spencer Rowell, the group has grown over the past five years from a small core to a loose confederacy of over 100 writers, artists and academics who share the same ethos: that is, to create a platform for work that reflects some key social and political concerns and challenges how perceptions are formed in society on issues as diverse as politics, religion and personal identity, whilst at the sane time nurture a growing community of independent artists who seek an alternative outlet for their artistic practice.
(source: http://www.evabachmann.co.uk/news/2015/10/28/uncertain-states-annual-2015-cosmic-dance-river-lea)