Issue #04: Together
Edited by Susan Meiselas.
89 pages
240 x 320 mm
ISBN 9789083285825
This special issue explores various forms of collaboration in photography. Sixteen contributions highlight different strategies to question current notions of authorship and ownership and to break through existing heteronormative, state or hyper-individual categories. In this issue you can find accessible essays by internationally renowned researchers and writers such as Elspeth Brown, Ileana Selejan and Hettie Judah. It also provides an insight into the forms of collaboration and community in the diverse photography practices of Jonathas de Andrade, Grace Ndiritu, Leigh Ledare, Dries Segers and Vincen Beeckman. You can also read some conversations between photographers, critics and curators about socially engaged photography and collaborations with the non-human. Artists and photographers such as Debmalya Roy Choudhuri, Susanne Kriemann, Tuan Andrew Nguyen, Kaali Collective and Rehab Eldalil have turned existing work into a new contribution especially for this issue. It has become a polyphonic song with photography practices from Brazil, Bangladesh, Vietnam, United States, United Kingdom, Egypt, Germany and, of course, Belgium.(source: https://fw-books.nl/product/trigger-04-together/)
About the Magazine
Trigger magazine is an online and printed publication concerning photography, which is part of FOMU, the museum of photography in Antwerp, Belgium. Once a year, during Paris Photo, Trigger publishes a printed thematic issue (1000 copies). Through a close collaboration with a new partner, becoming guest-editors, Trigger develops different and diverse essayistic and visual angles concerning one annual theme.
Magazine’s Instagram
(source: https://www.fomu.be/trigger/about-trigger#:~:text=Trigger%20magazine%20is%20an%20online,thematical%20issue%20(1000%20copies).)
About the Publisher
Fw:Books is an independent publisher based in Amsterdam with a focus on photography and related topics.
(source: https://fw-books.nl/about-contact/#:~:text=Fw%3ABooks%20is%20an%20independent,to%20make%20a%20new%20work.)