Timeless Stories
Lucia Ganieva
Galleri Image
22 Pages
165 x 210 mm
ISBN 9788799189748
In a beautiful, old house located in a small oasis of flowers and scrub in the middle of Skt. Petersburg, the Russian photographer Lucia Ganieva has portrayed 25 people. The magnificent building’s lodgers have in common that the approximately 80 elderly residents are all enjoying their retirement after a long life in the theater world. In her photographs, Ganieva seeks to capture atmospheric glimpses of the now faded grandeur, which hides in the nooks and crannies of the house and old people. Ballet dancers, actresses, opera singers and artists are immortalized in Ganieva’s intense, two-part photographs, which portray the retired women and men in their former grandeur and fame: Proud and invulnerable, the figures radiate in a spectacular setting that defines the soul and history of the house. The picture series forms part of the exhibition TIMELESS STORIES, which with a total of 22 works unites two different portrait series, both of which are centered around a number of people depicted in their own environment. From the second series we find Russian village families, almost princely photographed on their old motorcycles in front of their homes. And since Ganieva’s heart still beats for her homeland, the majority of her works are created in Russia – with portraits of the Russian people, their culture and history. The country’s heavy past, from the Czar’s reign up to capitalism’s displacement of the red banners, lies like an additional story behind the appearance of the characters. And gives the portraits a temporal depth.
(source: https://www.galleriimage.dk/index.php/dk/2010/262-timeless-stories)
About the Artist
Lucia Ganieva (b.1967) originally comes from Russia, but has lived in the Netherlands for the past several years. She graduated from Foto Academie in Amsterdam, and has received a number of honorary awards throughout her career. Ganieva has, among other things, exhibited in Holland, France, Finland, USA and Russia. With TIMELESS STORIES, Galleri Image has the pleasure of presenting Ganieva’s exhibition for the first time on Danish soil.
In connection with the exhibition, Galleri Image publishes a catalogue.
(source: https://www.galleriimage.dk/index.php/dk/2010/262-timeless-stories)
About the Publisher
Galleri Image is a non-commercial art gallery for photo-based art. It was founded in Aarhus in 1977 as the Nordic region’s first photo gallery and for several years was the only one of its kind in Denmark. The gallery is built on an ambition to spread knowledge of photography, video and installation art. We show five to six exhibitions annually and have had exhibitions with world names such as Diane Arbus, Duane Michaels, August Sander, Imogen Cunningham, Christer Strömholm, Allen Ginsberg, Joan Fontcuberta, Martin Parr, Carlos Garaicoa, Wang Ningde, Mario Cravo Neto, Kyungwoo Chun , Amy Stein and Katarzyna Kozyra.
(source: https://www.galleriimage.dk/index.php/dk/historie)