The PhotoBook Review
Issue 011 Fall 2016
Edited by Denise Wolff
27 Pages
420 x 290 mm
ISBN Not Available
In this issue, Guest Editor Denise Wolff poses a series of questions that expand our ideas about what constitutes a photobook and whom we consider its audience. As proposed in the introduction to the section “The Accidental PhotoBook”: “it is a good time to consider other types of books that use photography, but are not considered photobooks qua photobooks.” Contributors, including Todd Hido, Laurie Simmons, Sonya Dyakova, Frish Brandt, John Gossage, and Paolo Ventura, advocate for their personal favorites in “Guilty Pleasures/Hidden Treasures,” selecting from cookbooks, crime dossiers, and sex manuals. Several roundups include Frédérique Destribats on children’s photobooks, Chris McCaw on photography manuals, Marvin Heiferman on photobooks about the moon, and others on urban architecture and interior design. Matthew Leifheit interviews Paul Schiek of TBW Books for the Publisher Profile, and Joseph Logan is featured in the Designer Spotlight. Reviews include Robert Adams on Gregory Halpern, LaToya Ruby Frazier on Invisible Man: Gordon Parks and Ralph Ellison in Harlem (2016), Shantrelle P. Lewis on Jamel Shabazz, and Paula Kupfer on Guadalupe Ruiz. Issue 011 also presents the books shortlisted for the 2016 Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards.
About the Newsprint
A biannual newsprint journal dedicated to the appreciation of the photobook.
About the Publisher
Aperture, a not-for-profit foundation, is a magazine and photography organisation. Created in 1952 by photographers and writers as ‘common ground for the advancement of photography,’ Aperture today is a multi-platform publisher and center for the photo community. From their base in New York, we produce, publish, and present a program of photography projects, locally and internationally.