The Guide
John Myers
RRB Photobooks
116 pages
248 x 285 mm
ISBN 9781916057579
Drawing from all three of Myers’ previous books published by RRB Photobooks, The Guide is the best of The Portraits, Looking at the Overlooked and The End Of Industry combined with Myer’s unique prose, providing the only definitive answer to Feuerhelm’s question. Myers demonstrates his remarkable self-awareness with a wry wit in describing his pictures, like the best of teachers he is neither dry nor academic but draws the reader into conversation.
The Guide is very much a photobook, its large format gives Myers’ images the size and space they deserve. Each story stands on its own page among its companion images, allowing the text to be dipped into at will as the eye takes in the rich visuals.
Also featured in The Guide are 5 previously unpublished images, including two rare self portraits contemporaneous with the rest of Myers’ work. The Guide
is a window into the man himself, these new images adding visual context to Myers’ words.
About the Artist
John Myers (b. 1944) is a British landscape and portrait photographer and painter. Between 1973 and 1981 he photographed mundane aspects of middle class life in the centre of England—black and white portraits of ordinary people and suburbia within walking distance of his home in Stourbridge.
About the Publisher
RRB Publishing is the publishing and distribution arm of RRB Photobooks. Having worked with rare, interesting and out of print photobooks for over 30 years, RRB’s Rudi Thoemmes has also worked with many great photographers, and the idea of publishing their work has never been far from his mind.