Strong Room
Roelof Bakker and Jane Wildgoose
Negative Press
48 pages
210 x 148 mm
ISBN 9780957382817
Strong Room is a collaboration between London-based artists Roelof Bakker and Jane Wildgoose. Photographs of traces of past human activity are used as inspiration for writing about the loss of the tangible experience and the lack of physical presence in the digital world. The historical and academic importance of paper-based archives are explored as well as their potential to prompt the imagination and evoke memories.
The photographs in Strong Room are of three separate spaces at Hornsey Town Hall, a grade II listed modernist building in north London not in public use since the late 1980s.
About the Artists
Roelof Bakker is a photographer and publisher based in London. Working across photography, writing, artists’ books, publishing, print, video and live performance, Bakker’s projects address current and historical social and political issues. The lived experience, queer identity, ageing, memory, history, health and nature are key themes of exploration.
Bakker is the publisher of Negative Press London (www.neg-press.com) with books in international collections including Museum of Modern Art, New York; Wellcome Foundation, London; Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and Artists’ Book Collection, Bavarian State Library, Munich, Germany.
(source: https://rbakker.com/Info)
Dr. Jane Wildgoose works across a wide range of disciplines exploring the values, narratives, and memories that become attached to remains of all kinds. Whether devising complex cabinets and installations combining hundreds of museum objects with specially devised handicrafts; researching, writing and designing a medical/musical performance based on a curious piece of Baroque music describing surgery to remove stones from the body; or co-devising a broadcast for BBC Radio examining a hair from the head of Horatio Nelson bought on eBay, Wildgoose’s appraisals of the past are transported into the present with a strong appeal to the senses and the imagination, underpinned by detailed research and thorough knowledge of the history of collecting.
(source: http://www.janewildgoose.co.uk/jane_wildgoose.html)
About the Publisher
Negative Press London was launched in 2012 by Roelof Bakker to enable creative collaborations in print working with other artists and writers but mostly to publish his own work. Small run limited edition affordable artist’s books – democratic multiples – explore image, text and form. Social and political themes include AIDS, the Holocaust, Brexit, war and material memories.
(source https://www.neg-press.com/about/)