Winter 1998: Issue 17
Edited by John Duncan and Richard West.
42 pages
260 x 205 mm
ISSN 13692224
This issue of Source magazine contains a piece on the photographic archive by Justin Carville (IE, M), writing by Fintan O’Toole (IE, M) on Robert Capa (HU / US, M), on Marie Jo Lafontaine (BE, F) and on Henri Cartier-Bresson (FR, M). It also contains an interview of David Byrne (US, M) on the event of his show at the Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast. The interview is described as such – ‘The artist was tall, spare and dressed elegantly in black. His manner was open and alert, and he spoke freely, despite the fact that he had been answering questions all day. The interview was conducted to the hum of a polishing machine that has been edited out of the transcript for ease of reading.’ There are also features on Hannah Starkey‘s (NI, F) images of chance encounters between women, work by Maloisa Boyle (NI, F) and Eoghan McTigue (NI, M) among others. This issue makes a lot of design changes. It includes colour and has abandoned the ‘Volume, Number’ format.
Artists and writers featured in this issue of Source magazine include Justin Carville (IE, M), Fintan O’Toole (IE, M), Robert Capa (HU / US, M), Marie Jo Lafontaine (BE, F), Henri Cartier-Bresson (FR, M), David Byrne (US, M), Hannah Starkey (NI, F), Maloisa Boyle (NI, F), Eoghan McTigue (NI, M), Louis Croke (IE, M), Edel Byrne (IE, F), Fiona Kearney (IE, F), Aidan Matthews (IE, M), Martina Mullaney (IE, F), Mary McIntyre (NI, F), Siún Hanrahan (IE, F) and Paul Tebbs (GB, M).
With the redesign and relaunch of the magazine it is an appropriate time to define what Source magazine is aiming to achieve. We aim to act as a stimulus for Ireland’s photographers, providing an outlet and catalyst for their work combined with an enlivening critical debate. With the publication of the first two photographic projects and the first of the essays specially commissioned by the magazine we hope that we are approaching this goal.
Through the portfolio days we have regular and direct contact with artists and photographers producing work from many different backgrounds. The magazine seeks to reflect this diversity. In this issue Louis Croke and Martina Mullaney represent the first of our photographic commissions. Croke explores the world of the elderly bachelor Mick Monogue. For over a year she visited his house, slowly getting to know his personal history and his daily routine. During this period she began gathering a mass of imagery from the various chaotic rooms in the house. Mullaney’s work ‘dinner for one’ explores the subject of loneliness and in particular the experience of eating alone. The images are accompanied by a specially written text by Aidan Matthews. These commissions will be exhibited at the Old Museum Arts Centre in January.
In the first written commission Fiona Kearney examines the relationship between fine art photography and the media in Northern Ireland. This also forms the subject of the discussion forum organised by Photo Works North in December during which the theme will be expanded upon by a range of speakers across these areas of practice. Full details of this event are to found after the reviews.
— The Editors
(source: https://www.source.ie/archive/issue17/is17editorial.php)
About the Magazine
Source is a quarterly photography magazine, available in print and as a digital edition, published in Belfast, Northern Ireland. They publish emerging photographic work and engage with the latest in contemporary photography through news, thoughtful features and reviews of the latest exhibitions and books from Ireland and the UK. Their website brings together an archive of writing and pictures from the magazine alongside current features.
(source: https://www.source.ie/main/about.php)