Photonic Moments 2014 (Fotonični Trenutki 2014)
Various Artists
European Month of Photography Ljubljana
Lithuanian, English
Text by Dejan Sluga.
106 pages
220 x 220 mm
ISBN 9789619274446
This Photonic Moments – Month of Photography festival took place in June 2014 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The festival offered number of exhibitions and other events dedicated to the recent and historical developments of contemporary photography. Zipped Worlds was the title of the central exhibition of the festival. From a broader regional perspective the project deals with the phenomena of public photography. One of the most significant exhibitions within the programme of the festival is distURBANces group show, a common project of EMoP (European Month of Photography) network, dedicated to the to question today’s urban and landscape representation paradigm by focusing on the distortion and the perversion of reality in our globalised world.
(source: https://photonicmoments.net/fotonicni-trenutki-2014/?lang_pref=en)
About the Editor
Dejan Sluga graduated Art History and Sociology of Culture at the Philosophical Faculty at the Ljubljana University. He finished his post-graduate studies at the Sotheby’s Art Institute in London and enrolled in Ph.D. studies at the Faculty of Humanistic Studies in Koper (unfinished). Sluga worked as a critic, editor and public relations manager for various media and cultural organisations in Ljubljana/Slovenia.
(source: https://photodays-rovinj.com/selector/dejan-sluga/?lang=en)
About the Organisation
The European Month of Photography (EMOP) was initiated in 2004 by the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, and its director Jean-Luc Monterosso as a joint venture between European capitals hosting a photography festival with the aim to confront expertise in curatorial practice in photography and the intention to develop common projects, notably exhibitions, including exchange of information about the local photographers and artists concerned with photography. As founding members acted the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, the Cultural Departement of the City of Berlin (Museumspädagogischer Dienst Berlin headed by Thomas Friedrich) and the Department for Cultural Affairs of the City of Vienna (director Bernhard Denscher).
(source: http://www.europeanmonthofphotography.org/?page_id=4)