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Lost Rivers
Éanna de Fréine

Lost Rivers, Éanna de Fréine

Lost Rivers, Éanna de Fréine

Lost Rivers
Éanna de Fréine
The Velvet Cell


64 pages
150 x 180 mm
ISBN 9781908889270


Lost Rivers is an exploration of Taipei, Taichung and Tainan’s forgotten rivers, streams and waterways. Once dominant forces in carving out their surroundings, these rivers have now become neglected backwaters in the race to urbanise. Neglected, decrepit, the city is built over them and around them. Through them we see how the race to urbanise can affect our world.

About the Artist
Éanna de Fréine was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1987. He set up The Velvet Cell in 2011. He currently resides in Berlin, Germany.

About the Publisher
The Velvet Cell is an independent photobook publishing house based in Berlin, Germany, run by Éanna de Fréine and Ricardo Nunes. Established by Éanna de Fréine in 2011, it wanted to create a publishing house that connects new and established authors to a wider audience through the medium of beautifully designed editions. They are rooted primarily in the themes of modernity, urbanisation and the man-altered world – using the photobook as a medium for this conversation.

More Information
Lost Rivers by Éanna de Fréine is available to view on Vimeo here.

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