Hired Hand
Athena Torri, Bea Fremderman, Ingo Mittelstaedt and Stuart Bailes
Vandret Publications
64 pages
200 x 260 mm
ISBN 9788799437375
Hired Hand contains the photographic work of young artists Stuart Bailes (UK), Bea Fremderman (US), Ingo Mittelstaedt (DE) and Athena Torri (US). Their elegant landscapes and still lifes are re-appropreated – collaged, juxtaposed and presented alongside internet stock photographs to make up a softspoken picture poem in which brute force and a slight caress suggest an undefined plot.
(source: https://www.athenatorri.com/hiredhand)
About the Artists
Athena Torri (b. 1989) is an Ecuadorian Italian artist. Born in Milan, Torri grew up in Quito, Ecuador before immigrating to the United States. Torri has a BFA from Ringling College of Art and Design, and a General Studies Certificate from the International Center of Photography. Her solo show, titled “Land of Opportunities”, was exhibited at Deli Gallery in New York.
(source: https://www.athenatorri.com/bio)
Bea Fremderman (b. 1988, Moldova) is an artist and photographer based in New York City.
Ingo Mittelstaedt (b. 1978 in Berlin) studied at HBK Braunschweig, Germany. His works have been exhibited in numerous national and international exhibitions. He is currently living and working at Villa Minimo, Hannover.
(source: https://iscp-nyc.org/resident/ingo-mittelstaedt)
Stuart Bailes (b. 1985) is a British artist and photographer based in Sweden.
(source: http://stuartbailes.com/BailesStuartCV.pdf)
About the Publisher
Lodret Vandret is an independent imprint based between Copenhagen and Berlin. It was founded in 2010 by artists Flemming Ove Bech and Johan Rosenmunthe and operates not-for-profit.
(source: http://lodretvandret.com/about/)