Global Soul
Henrick Spohler
German, English
112 pages
245 x 330 mm
ISBN 9783980967792
(source: https://www.lensculture.com/books/11722-henrik-spohler-global-soul)
About the Artist
Henrik Spohler (b. 1965, Bremen) is a German photographer and teacher. He studied at the Folkwang School, University in Essen, and has worked as a freelance photographer since 1992. He has received many awards for his works, which are also included in public and private collections at home and abroad. His photographs have been published in five monographs and in anthologies. After a guest-professorship at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe from 2007 to 2008, Henrik Spohler has been a professor since 2009 at the Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft (University of Applied Sciences) in Berlin teaching in the study programme Communication Design. He lives with his family in Hamburg.
(source: https://henrikspohler.de/en/about/)
About the Publisher
Founded by Hannes Wanderer in Berlin in 2004, Peperoni Books is dedicated to contemporary photography and the publication of high-quality photobooks.
(source: https://www.cafelehmitz-photobooks.com/en/by-manufacturer/peperoni-books/)