Flâneurism: Finding Soho
Rik Moran
24 pages
210 x 150 mm
ISBN Not available
Soho, like most of London, is currently awash with rapid development threatening the very culture that defined it. Tension within developing cities is nothing new, but here conflicting forces are more apparent than most. Oft described as a village by those who live and work within it, it’s resilience has been a constant, surviving cholera outbreaks bombings, and numerous attempts to crackdown on the illicit actives that defined it. Beyond the development hoardings, the Soho of old fights on, the vibrant and seedy heart of the city, as strong as ever, just not as in your face as it once was.
About the Artist
Rik Moran is a photographer focused on environments and spaces, the memories that inhabit them, and the residual stories and emotions left behind.
About the Publisher
Flâneurism is a celebration of the unseen, hidden and uncelebrated. Exploring the cul-de-sacs and avenues of life, the aim is to join the dots between the coincidences and topologies of the world via successive photographic posts and physical printed photobooks, produced by Rik Moran.