Jana Bulochova
Russian, English
88 pages
198 x 233 mm
ISBN Not Available
“The project Молва (Molva) explores the interrelation between photography and linguistics by visualising a list of catchphrases from the Russian-speaking community I grew up in. Depending on the desired context, these word combinations may be unique or not have an equivalent in other cultures. Based on such intricacies of communication and translation, one can determine the cultural background of an individual. This project involves people from different countries who are united by their ability to speak and understand the Russian language, respectively. My participants can feel the atmosphere and appreciate the nuances of these forms of communication. How people express themselves verbally can throw the specificity of nationality into relief when attempting to illustrate metaphors that are unique to certain cultures. Combining portraiture and still life compositions, and supplemented with elements of photomontage, Молва (Molva) revels in the absurdity and the eloquence of language.” – Jana Bulochova
(source: https://gradx.ie/courses/photography/jana-bulochova/)
About the Artist
Jana Bulochova is a Lithuanian-Russian visual artist based in Ireland specialising in fine art, fashion and graphic photography. As a part of the work, she aims to reveal not only relevant topics and philosophical reflections but also provide herself with intricate challenges. In Jana’s view, photography provides a different perspective on the world and captures human idiosyncrasies, inspiring engagement and embracing oddity. Her artworks include not only technical components, but also references to sociology, literature, and paintings. Likewise, she often refers to movies and computer games visually. Through the creation of projects, Jana demonstrates both abilities as a visual artist and as a screenwriter. With each project or shoot techniques and tools may change, but perspective, drama, and sensuality remain.
(source: https://gradx.ie/courses/photography/jana-bulochova/)