What Is_?
(New) Media Art
26 Pages
145 x 210 mm
ISBN 9781907020247
In general usage, Media, which is the plural of medium, refers to forms of mass communication, such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio and the Internet. In the arts, media refers to the materials, methodologies, mechanisms, technologies or devices by which an artwork is realised, a substance through which an effect is transmitted. Traditional or old media include Painting and Sculpture. The specific materials used, such as paint, charcoal or marble, can also be referred to as media. ‘New’ is a relative term in that something is new when it is first created, discovered or used, and its status as ‘new’ diminishes both over time and as it is replaced by something newer. In Contemporary Art, New Media refers to a range of materials and technologies developed relatively recently and utilised in the creation, presentation and disemmination of New Media Art. These new media are drawn from a range of sources both within the arts and the wider field of communications, entertainment and information technologies. Informed by the rapid pace of technological development, New Media Art is a constantly changing category encompassing Film, Video, Photography, Lens-Based Media,Digital Technology, Hypertext, Cyberspace, Audio Technology, CD-Roms, Webcams, Surveillance Technology, Wireless Telephones, Computer and Video Games, GPS System and Biothechnology.
Innovative artists have always been interested in new media and materials. During the Renaissance, artists’ practice was transformed by the use of the new medium of Oil Paint which provided artists with greater flexibility and versatility than Tempera. The introduction of the Camera Obscura contributed to new developments in perspective, and Printmaking radicalised the notion of the unique or one-off artwork, establishing an early precedent for mass media communication.
(source: https://imma.ie/what-is-art/series-1-1970-now/new-media-art/)
About the Project
This IMMA programme is a great way to find out more about the concepts and terms used in contemporary art. It includes talks, booklets and web-based resources which you can explore below. The programme is presented in four series, three of which you can explore in the menu above.
(source: https://imma.ie/what-is-art/overview/)
About the Publisher
Irish Museum Of Modern Art (IMMA) is Ireland’s National Cultural Institution for Modern and Contemporary Art. Their diverse and ambitious programme comprises exhibitions, commissions and projects by leading Irish and international artists, as well as a rich engagement and learning programme which together provides audiences of all ages the opportunity to connect with contemporary art and unlock their creativity. IMMA is home to the National Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art, started in 1990 and now numbering over 3,500 artworks by Irish and international artists. This national resource available through exhibitions at IMMA and other venues nationally and internationally, engagement and learning programmes and digital resources.
(source: https://imma.ie/about/overview/)