Unwanted Butterfly
Tamás Urbán
Archive of Modern Conflict
Text by Ferenc Deák and Titanilla Fiáth.
192 Pages
190 x 250 mm
ISBN 97861557981§77
Unwanted Butterfly spent half of his 40 years behind bars, so he had plenty of time to have his whole body tattooed. He was an unusual sight in Socialist Hungary, comfortable both in the prison and in the Budapest underground scene, doing gigs with the famous band Sziámi in the Black Hole alternative club, drawing, painting, creating puzzles, and writing a journal. Photojournalist Tamás Urbán met him in 1988 for the first time, in the Csillag Prison of Szeged, Hungary. The book presents a selection of the photographs taken in the following six years – until Butterfly’s death in 1994 – as well as of the objects and documents collected by Tamás, and of Butterfly’s journal.
(source: https://archiveofmodernconflict.com/unwanted-butterfly-tamas-urban/)
About the Artist
No information is available on the artist. (link to an interview: https://capacenter.hu/kiallitasok/urban-tamas-felesleges-pillango/)
About the Publisher
The Archive of Modern Conflict is an organisation dedicated to the collection and preservation of vernacular photographs, objects, artefacts, curiosities, and ephemera. Founded in 1991, the archive began as a collection of photographs relating to war and conflict but has since expanded its remit to become the vast and thematically diverse repository it is today. They have produced and published over thirty books, often collaborating with photographers and artists such as Stephen Gill, Cristina de Middel, Thomas Mailaender, Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin, and Don McCullin.
(source: https://archiveofmodernconflict.com/about-us/)