Towards a Participatory Museum: A How-to-Guide on Inclusive Activities
Moritz Neumüller
80 pages
165 x 225 mm
ISBN 9783903312005
This How-to-Guide was produced as a result of the efforts of four participatory research groups in four European cities: London, Madrid, Oviedo and Vienna. Each of these participatory research groups included between fifteen and thirty-five people with a broad range of access preferences often associated with sensory and/or cognitive impairments. Beyond their words, quoted throughout, their contribution to this publication has been its inspiration. This publication is dedicated to the heritage change-makers, to those who want to create an inclusive, accessible and barrier-free environment and to those who want to enable everyone to have a voice and relationship with their heritage.
About the Editor
Moritz Neumüller, is a Barcelona-based curator, educator and writer in the field of Photography and New Media. He has worked for institutions such as MoMA New York, La Fábrica Madrid and PhotoIreland Festival. He is the academic director of the Photo Department of IED Madrid, and a regular contributor to magazines such as European Photography, foam and Photoresearcher. Since 2010, he runs the The Curator Ship, an online resource for visual artists. Recent curatorial projects for Daegu Biennial (Korea), Photobook Week Aarhus (DK), and The Birmingham Library (UK).
About the Publisher
ARCHES stands for “Accessible Resources for Cultural Heritage EcoSystems”. With the support of the European Union, ARCHES has brought together disabled people, technology companies, universities and museums.