The Painter of Modern Life and Other Essays
Charles Baudelaire
264 pages
110 x 186 mm
ISBN 0714833657
This volume gathers together some of Charles Baudelaire’s most important critical writings. It provides a stimulating survey of important ideas and individuals in the critical world of the great poet who has been called the father of modern criticism.
(source: https://books.google.ie/books/about/The_Painter_Of_Modern_Life_And_Other_Ess.html?id=z47uAAAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y)
About the Author
Charles Baudelaire was a French poet born on April 9, 1821, in Paris, France. In 1845, he published his first work. Baudelaire gained notoriety for his 1857 volume of poems, Les Fleurs du mal (The Flowers of Evil). His themes of sex, death, lesbianism, metamorphosis, depression, urban corruption, lost innocence and alcohol not only gained him loyal followers, but also garnered controversy. The courts punished Baudelaire, his publisher and the book’s printer for offending public morality, and as such, suppressed six of the poems. Baudelaire died on August 31, 1867 in Paris.
(source: https://www.biography.com/writer/charles-baudelaire)
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