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Suburban Fantastic
Chris Finnegan

Suburban Fantastic, Chris Finnegan

Suburban Fantastic, Chris FinneganSuburban Fantastic
Chris Finnegan
Biscuit Books


Handmade Edition 8/25
40 pages
148 × 210 mm
ISBN 9781738452705


Despite its consistent presence, suburbia as a geography is hazy and ill-defined. Delineating where the suburbs start and end can prove difficult. So too the images of the suburbs we carry are unique and conflicting. For some the suburbs are the pinnacle of middle-class advancement. A landscape of little kingdoms. For others they are a trap of drab conformity. Where the dreams of youth go to die. Finnegan’s internal suburb has a nostalgic topography. It bathes in the endless sunshine of the halcyon days of boyhood. It was mapped on a BMX and surveyed by climbing trees. Suburban Fantastic takes the viewer on a journey through my remembered suburb. A playground of shifting spaces and geometries is presented here in book form. The material nature of the book reflects a sense of discovery and expectation. A longed-for state of child-like apprehension; where an exciting unknown waits around every corner.

About the Artist
Chris Finnegan is a visual artist and educator based in Cork whose practice explores common phenomena and occurrences, primarily through lens-based media.The mundane qualities of objects and events are often exploited and presented with a pseudo-scientific rigour.
Permutations, sequencing and progressions are employed, sometimes logically.Throughout the work, the photographic image can be seen to occupy two simultaneous states; empirical artefact and conceptualist proposition.

About the Publisher
Biscuit Books Press is a photobook publishing community founded by MA Photography graduates from Falmouth University.