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Flor de Roca
Ana Núñez Rodríguez

Rock Flower

Rock FlowerFlor de Roca
Ana Núñez Rodríguez
Simulacrum Editions


Open pages with images that are discovered by breaking the black pages.
75 closed pages, 140 open pages
220 x 165 mm
ISBN 9789584911049



Grant for Independent Editorial Projects IDARTES 2020

The emerald has been present throughout the history of Colombia dragging with it sorrows and joys from pre-Hispanic times until today. Its mountains, dwellings of the gods according to the beliefs of the Muzo indigenous, shelter the emerald inside and they act as a vehicle towards a unique experience. According to popular legends that instant of encounter with the stone is surrounded by an enigma.

It is the this moment in which the green spell takes effect, a spiritual bond with nature arises, an energetic flow between stone and the human being. Time expands and its brightness floods the fortunate leading him on a transpersonal journey. But, according to the legend, this trip is not available to everyone, that is the power of the emerald: it only lets itself be found by certain people, it chooses who gets caught. Those ephemeral and suggestive moments associated with the emerald lived by the people involved in artisanal mining are the starting point of this project.

The project is an approach to open-air mining and artisan methods of extraction nowadays in danger of extinction and a claim to the sacred character linked to this practice. The project exalts the hidden condition of the landscape and the sacralization of the emerald mining practice and recovers the popular beliefs around the emerald that go beyond the economic value and that highlight the hidden power of the stone.

About the Artist
Ana Núñez Rodríguez is a photographer based between Europe and Colombia. Her work delves into the politics of identity, connecting her own experience of navigating between both cultural realities with other voices. Through the use of images, she establish new forms of collaboration and knowledge production that interrogate the impacts of collective memory and cultural heritage on identity.

About the Publisher
Simulacro Ediciones is a publishing house that supports projects and discussions around the photographic image.