Murs et Frontières
Kai Wiedenhöfer
La Maison de l’image
63 pages
210 x 210 mm
ISBN 9782955460443
The seventh edition of the Mois de la Photo took place from October 30 to November 24, 2019 at the Old Museum of Painting in Grenoble. This flagship exhibition was enriched by artistic proposals in other cultural places of the agglomeration and by the multidisciplinary program proposed by the Maison de l’Image, in collaboration with its partners: image professionals, regional cultural structure. The theme for this exhibition was Walls and Borders.
In tribute to the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, this edition of the festival invites you to travel beyond borders, in the company of photographers from all over the world.
Far from the beaten track, this year we invite you to explore geographical, mental, visual, social and psychological walls and borders.
(source: https://www.maison-image.fr/mois-de-la-photo/2019-checkpoint-murs-frontieres-kai-wiedenhofer/)
About the Artist
Kai Wiedenhöfer, born in Germany in 1966, received his MA in photography and editorial design from the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen and studied Arabic in Damascus, Syria. Since 1989 his work has focused on the Middle East.
(source: https://browse.gallery/kai-wiedenhoefer/#:~:text=Kai%20Wiedenh%C3%B6fer%2C%20geboren%201966%20in,seiner%20Arbeit%20im%20Nahen%20Osten.)
About the Publisher
La Maison de l’Image is a cultural organisation founded by the photographer Marc Barbay. It is focused on photographic projects run by a combination of professional and amateur photographers. It is based in Jette, Brussels.
(source: http://lamaisondelimage.be/en/who-we-are/)