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How Was Your Dream?
Thaddé Comar

How Was Your Dream? Thaddé Comar

How Was Your Dream? Thaddé Comar

How Was Your Dream?
Thaddé Comar
Mörel Books


Edition of 1000
168 pages
205 x 290 mm
ISBN 9781907071911


How Was Your Dream? deals with new forms of demonstration and insurrection in our post-contemporary era dominated by seamless control societies.

In 2014 the “umbrella movement” in Hong Kong was quickly repressed by state and police violence. In 2019 the democratic uprising that began in May gave itself the means to continue. Faced with a sophisticated arsenal of control (facial recognition, geolocation, carding, eavesdropping, infiltration, water cannons, tear gas, helicopter, sonic weapons, non-lethal rifles), the Hong Kong demonstrators have developed a repertoire of techniques based on principles of invisibility and in-traceability (anonymity, lasers of blindness, pocket of faraday, vision by drones, masks of all kinds, encrypted communication etc…), allowing them to mitigate the effects of the repression.

These new devices, which contribute to the transformation of the forms of struggle and resistance, however, push for the gradual erasure of individual singularities. In the future, will societies and sophisticated systems of control, force us to make our human singularities disappear? Will this be done in favour of a new common identity?

As evokes the novelist and philosopher Alain Damasio in La zone du dehors “The end justifies the means… But who will justify the end?”


About the Artist
Thaddé Comar, a Franco-Swiss photographer born in 1993, graduated with distinction from ECAL in Lausanne in 2018. His work is deeply intertwined with current events and social movements, reflecting a profound commitment to contemporary issues. Today, his portfolio spans from editorial to commissioned work, as well as personal projects where he delves into the nuances and facets of our ever-evolving society.


About the Publisher
MÖREL (founded in 2008/2009) specialises in publishing works by both established and emerging artists. MÖREL views the book as an important aspect of an artist’s practice and as a powerful cultural conduit.

Approaching each project as a collaboration, MÖREL actively engages with artists throughout the conception, editing, and design phases. The goal is to craft an artist’s book that embraces idiosyncrasies, deliberately steering away from the conventions of traditional publisher-produced books.

Titles include books by Boris Mikhailov, Patti Smith, Corinne Day, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Ryan Gander, Thomas Ruff, Robert Mapplethorpe, Ryan McGinley, Nick Waplington.

MÖREL works closely with writers and curators on their projects including Simon Baker, David Campany, Irvine Welsh, & Omar Kholief.

At times, artists are incorporated into the design phase, including covers by Painter George Condo, Poet/Artist Rene Ricard, Designer Pablo Ferro.