Hijacked Volume 2: Australian and German Photography
Edited by Mark McPherson, Markus Schaden and Ute Noll.
Kehrer Verlag
Contributing Artists: Narelle Autio, James Brickwood, Michael Corridore, Andrew Cowen, Tamara Dean, Jackson Eaton, Suzie Fox, Lee Grant, Derek Henderson, Rebecca Ann Hobbs, Ingvar Kenne, Bronek Kózka, Georgia Metaxas, Conor O’Brien, Polixeni Papapetrou, Louis Porter, Johanna Ahlert, Natalie Bothur, Jörg Brüggemann, Thekla Ehling, Albrecht Fuchs, Jan v. Holleben, Karsten Kronas, Anne Lass, Jens Liebchen, Myriam Lutz, Julian Röder, Josef Schulz, Oliver Sieber, Ivonne Thein, Olaf Unverzart, Sascha Weidner.
412 pages
267 x 208 mm
ISBN 9783868282856
Building on the considerable success of the inaugural publication “Hijacked 1 – Australia and America” this volume is again an expansive photographic anthology, that compels us to consider two socially divergent and disparate photographic nations. Germany and Australia are juxtaposed to stimulate conversation, suggest connection and invite deconstruction. “Hijacked 2” showcases the diverse talents and perspectives of 32 contemporary German and Australian photographers. With a focus on the depiction and representation of the young, the boundary-riding, and fringe-dwelling, “Hijacked 2” is layered with imagery both evocative and confronting, dreamlike and rousing.
(source: https://www.leegrant.net/hijacked-vol-2)
About the Editors
Markus Schaden (b.1965) is a bookseller and publisher of photobooks, director of Cologne based company Schaden.com founded 1998.
(source: http://www.lichtblick-school.com/dozenten/markus_schaden.html)
Mark McPherson is an artist, art-photography entrepreneur, a contemporary photography book publisher and an Adjunct Lecturer, School of Communications and Arts at Edith Cowan University, Western Australia. He is the founder of Big City Press, the independent West Australian-based publisher of the Hijacked photographic book series. Hijacked Volume 1 was presented in the Book Awards at the celebrated Rencontres d’Arles festival in France (2009) and received the Photo Book-Award from the Kasseler Fotoforum, Germany in the same year.
(source: https://www.amazon.com/HIJACKED-3-AUSTRALIA-Mark-McPherson/dp/3868282858)
Ute Noll is the Owner/Director of the project agency, On Photography & Illlustration, in Stuttgart, Germany. She has developed book and magazine concepts for many art and editorial projects. Ute Noll also works internationally as a photo director, author, curator and university lecturer.
(source: https://www.klompching.com/ute-noll-biography#:~:text=Since%202007%2C%20Ute%20Noll%20is,author%2C%20curator%20and%20university%20lecturer.)
About the Publisher
Kehrer Verlag is among the world’s leading publishers of photo books. Founded in 1995 by Klaus Kehrer, it is also one of the few independent publishing houses in Germany. In addition to photography, further focal points include contemporary art, art of the 17th through the 20th centuries, and international sound art. Over the years, numerous Kehrer publications have been nominated for and honoured with international book awards. From 2011 through 2016, Kehrer was also the German partner of the European Publishers Award for Photography (EPAP), an initiative launched by European publishing houses to promote contemporary photography.
(source: https://www.kehrerverlag.com/en/about)