Conflict in My Outlook
Edited by Anna Briers, Nicholas Carah and Holly Arden.
Perimeter Editions
Contributing artists Mark Andrejevic, Holly Arden, Anna Briers, James Bridle, Nicholas Carah, Bronwyn Carlson, Jonathan Corpus Ong, Kate Crawford, Madi Day, Gianluca Demartini, Sean Dockray, Akshaya Kumar, Shaka McGlotten, Thao Phan, Legacy Russell, Jathan Sadowski, Julianne Schultz, and Caroline Wilson-Barnao.
Edition of 700
136 Pages
230 x 129
ISBN 9781922545091
We live in a hyper-mediated world. We are drowning in an ocean of images and information. Data is the new oil. Conflict in My Outlook brings together contemporary artworks and new texts that shed light on human experience in an era of ubiquitous networked technologies. From digital intimacies and the weaponisation of social media to invisible power structures, clickwork and the ‘gig’ economy, contributors argue for a better future in the context of algorithmic racism, machine learning, and the new colonial frontiers of surveillance capitalism.
Conflict in My Outlook takes a unique approach by focusing on contemporary art as a means to explore the techno-politics that define our age. Platforms such as Instagram and TikTok depend on us turning our lives into flows of images, while notoriously harvesting our data. This abundance of information is inextricably entwined with invisible power structures. It is precisely because of the invisibility of such technologies that images as carriers of meaning matter more than ever before.
This anthology, edited by Anna Briers, Nicholas Carah and Holly Arden, is published on the occasion of Conflict in My Outlook, a two-part exhibition series that includes We Met Online (2020–2022, online), and Don’t Be Evil (2021–2022) at UQ Art Museum.
(source: https://www.perimeterbooks.com/products/pre-order-conflict-in-my-outlook)
About the Authors
Anna Briers is the Curator at The University of Queensland (UQ) Art Museum, Brisbane. With a focus on contemporary art that addresses the pertinent socio-political issues of our time, each exhibition presents a research based, multi-disciplinary approach, through artworks that are brave, experimental and critically engaged. Many projects respond to site and context, experiment with new technologies, or have an element of relationality that promotes collaboration and audience engagement towards the production of meaning.
(source: https://www.annabriers.com/)
Nicholas Carah is an Associate Professor in Media and Communication and Deputy Head at the School of Communication and Arts at The University of Queensland. They are a Chief Investigator on the ARC Discovery (2020-2022) project ‘Using machine vision to explore Instagram’s everyday promotional cultures’ with Associate Professor Daniel Angus and Professor Jean Burgess. Chief Investigator on an ARC Linkage (2021-2024) project ‘Young Australians and the promotion of alcohol on social media’ with Dr Amy Dobson, Dr Brady Robards and Professor Daniel Angus.
(source: http://nicholascarah.com/nicholascarah)
Holly Arden trained as an art historian, curator of Australian art and creative producer. Arden’s current role as Associate Director, UQ Art Museum, straddles the creative, learning, strategic and operational functions of the Art Museum, and champions engagement with art by all disciplines of the University. Arden also teach the undergraduate Art History course Visual Arts Curating and Writing.
(source: https://communication-arts.uq.edu.au/profile/3247/holly-arden)
About the Publisher
Perimeter Editions is the award-winning publishing imprint of Melbourne-based bookstore Perimeter Books and distribution house Perimeter Distribution. Releasing its first publication in 2012, Perimeter Editions’ focus rests on publishing autonomous books in close collaboration with photographers, artists, curators and writers. Its publications exhibit a criticality and sensitivity to content and form.
(source: https://perimetereditions.com/filter/Izabela-Pluta/About)