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Attention Seekers
Miriam O’Connor

Attention Seekers, Miriam O'Connor

Attention Seekers, Miriam O'Connor

Attention Seekers
Miriam O’Connor


First Edition
32 pages
148 x 210 mm
ISBN 9783942547154


We spend much of our daily lives caught up in busy routines, unobservant of the curious details that make up the visual world we are passing through. Irish artist Miriam O´Connor´s photographic series Attention Seekers lingers on these often overlooked traces, singling them out with an attentive and subtle gaze that imbues them with a mysterious and magical vitality. Attention Seekers is concerned with the representation of everyday scenes, spaces and people encountered by the photographer, and O´Connor has a unique talent for discovering infinite possibilities of image-making amidst the quotidian banality, slicing out those details which petition for attention.

About the Artist
Irish artist, Miriam O’Connor lives and works in Cork. In her practice she draws inspiration from the language, sights and sounds of the everyday. She is especially interested in the role photography plays within this context and how photography itself acts out everyday life. She is concerned with the subtleties of looking and seeing, the relationship between camera and viewer, and the special ambiguity of still images. Rather than providing answers, O’ Connor work often poses questions, while her images are playful and curious in approach.

About the Publisher
PogoBooks is an independent publisher of photography books, artist’s books, and zines based in Berlin. Established in 2009, Claudio Pogo created a publishing house that collaborated with emerging and established artists from all over the world. They believe in a future printed on paper and conceive the printed artwork as a unique art form. Since 2016 PogoBooks has worked in collaboration with Outer Space Press, where their titles are designed and produced.


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