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All Shelters are Marked with a Sign
Charlotta Hammar

All Shelters Are Marked With A Sign, Charlotta Hammar

All Shelters Are Marked With A Sign, Charlotta HammarAll Shelters are Marked with a Sign
Charlotta Hammar

Designed by Ángel Luis González Fernández.


Edition of 200
36 pages
148 × 210 mm
ISBN Not Available


In 2018, a brochure entitled “If War Or Crisis Comes” was sent to every household in Sweden by the government with the purpose of informing citizens how to act in a national emergency situation. Questions on protection and existential threats, both literally and figuratively, lie in Charlotta’s interest; how these eventual threats are communicated and managed in our society. She bases her research on the experience of an everyday life affected by a constant alarm blaring that if we don’t stop now, there will be nothing left to save. Every image in this work is taken on the small island where her and her family live. The island works as a metaphor of isolation and vulnerability, though also interpreted as a protected space, a shelter without walls. This work, comprised of Rolleiflex photographs, has been a way of dealing with the gnawing feeling that everything will not be ok, despite what other people say.


About the Artist
Charlotta Hammar (b. 1982, Värmland) is an artist and photographer based on a small island outside Gothenburg.

About the Series
TLP Editions are an ongoing collection of contemporary photographic projects in the form of accessible and inexpensive publications by PhotoIreland. These A5 sized booklets present a standard format throughout the series, with 36 pages each, a cover with a text block of under 140 words that introduces the project, and the title and the artist name only available on the contra cover. The project creates a node of opportunities as it allows photographers to enter the publishing arena, while facilitating access to contemporary artistic practices to the general public.

About the Publisher
Founded in 2009, PhotoIreland was conceived as an organisation that would stimulate a dialogue around Photography in Ireland by developing a varied array of initiatives and events with a strong participative approach.

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