The Shelf Journal Issue 3
Edited by Morgane Rébulard
The Shelf Company
English and French
116 pages
210 × 310 mm
ISBN 9782954065625
In this issue
Sebastian Carter The “Christmas Books” from Cambridge University Press. At Cambridge Press, Christmas has been for many years the vector of a limited edition collection. Plunge into the personal library of the famous French graphic designer Massin. The Parisian collective castillo / corrales reveals its involvement in contemporary independent publishing through a list of selected books in their Section 7 Books bookstore. Conversation with the founder Kai von Rabenau of mono.kultur – a German cultural magazine that distills a current and pointed practice of the interview. The editorial adventures of Olive Beaupré Miller, founder of the My Book House collections, or how to bring joy and morality into the hearts of children through quality books. War library, personal encyclopedia and oral literature: the role of “memory books” by Jean-Yves Jouannais.
About The Shelf Journal
The Shelf Journal is a French-English annual review about the art of books and their design that gives the voice to bookmakers and writers specialised in that field. In form of interviews, in-depth articles, portfolios, and studies, the magazine explores the different questions that relate to the contents and the shapes of books, their creation and collection, by showing ancient as well as contemporary examples.
The Shelf Company offers services in a full range of graphic design applications, from publishing to corporate identity, through graphic web design and exhibition design. It deploys its skills in a variety of sectors such as culture and education, as well as the institutional, luxury, and scientific research sectors.