Magazines and Periodicals The Darkroom: Chemical, Cultural, Industrial PhotoResearcher No. 41 The European Society for the History of PhotographyAngel2024
Critical Resources Wagon-bar: Une petite histoire du repas ferroviaire Arthur Mettetal, Géry Nolan and Jean-Pierre Williot Éditions TextuelAngel2024
Critical Resources the upside-down museum: practice-based institutional critique, working up from the actual museum floor Aldo Giannotti Set Margins'Angel2024
Critical Resources Back to Basics: A Guide to Ecological Photo Chemistry Andrés Pardo The Sustainable Darkroom and CuriosolabAngel2024
Critical Resources Sight Unseen: Visualising the Unseeable through Art and Science Perimeter EditionsAngel2024
Critical Resources Outside the Frame: Art and the Moving Image Various Contributors Perimeter EditionsAngel2024