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Anna-Lena Wenzel

Pool Anna-Lena Wenzel

Pool Anna-Lena WenzelPool
Anna-Lena Wenzel
Monroe Books


48 pages
185 x 225 mm
ISBN 9783946950028


Photo collection of pools. Homage to a favourite place.

About the Artist
Dr. Anna-Lena Wenzel is an author and artist, publicist and curator, urban wanderer and care-taker. After studying cultural studies, she completed her doctorate on “Crossing borders in contemporary art” and worked on the research project “Urban Interventions” at the HfBK Hamburg.
Her focus is on self-organized collaborations and projects, such as the online city magazine 99% Urban, the monthly radio salon for everyday life and the project space Kleiner Raum für aktuelles Nichts, which she has co-run since 2019.
She regularly writes texts for magazines and artists, has curated exhibitions in changing constellations and exhibited in art museums such as the Berlinische Galerie/nGbK, Galerie im Saalbau, Kunsthaus Hamburg. She works as a moderator, mediator and copywriter for institutions such as documenta, HKW and the ifa gallery.
She is a passionate interviewer and enjoys collating motifs as much as she enjoys bringing voices and positions together. Her critical interest lies in the working and production conditions in the art field as well as the mechanisms of devaluation and revaluation that lead to what is (not) visible and sayable.

About the Publisher
Monroe Books is a Berlin-based publisher for artist books and  books on contemporary art and music.