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And Then There Was Silence
Jan Grarup

And Then There Was Silence

And Then There Was SilenceAnd Then There Was Silence
Jan Grarup
Book Lab


496 Pages
280 x 380 mm
ISBN 9788797003503


With And Then There Was Silence, his most recent release, he aims to show the world what happens when the bombs fall and people are forced on the run: ‘The refugees’ stories are drowning in discussions about border bombs and whether they should be allowed to keep their wedding rings and mobile phones when entering our countries. I hope my pictures can break the stereotype and bring more compassion and reaction into in the debate.

About the Artists
Jan Grarup has over the course of his twentyfive-year career photographed many of recent history’s defining human rights and conflict issues. Grarup’s work reflects his belief in photojournalism’s role as an instrument of witness and memory to incite change, and the necessity of telling the stories of people who are rendered powerless to tell their own.
His images of the Rwandan and Darfur genocides provide incontrovertible evidence of unthinkable human brutality, in the hope that such events will never happen or be allowed to happen again. His work, The Boys from Ramallah and The Boys from Hebron, covers both sides of the Intifada expressed through the lives of children coming of age amidst the violence. Grarup’s work takes the viewer to the limits of human despair, dignity, suffering and hope. His images are relevant to us all, because they form a chronicle of the time in which we live, but at times do not dare to recognize.

About the Publisher
BookLab is the brainchild of Mark and Cherith Stibbe. A Lab is a place where you can experiment, so BookLab writers are encouraged to innovate.

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