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Direct Democracy: Context, Society, Individuality
Yavor Tarinski

Direct Democracy: Context, Society, Individuality Yavor Tarinski

Direct Democracy: Context, Society, Individuality Yavor TarinskiDirect Democracy: Context, Society, Individuality
Yavor Tarinski
Durty Books


107 pages
110 x 180 mm
ISBN 9781916231405


If social activism is to realistically take on ‘the question of power’ it must be carried out from a knowing ‘holistic’ assault on all social spheres of society. This is the challenging premise that Yavor Tarinski proposes in this very timely ‘provocation to action’, Direct Democracy: Context, Society, Individuality.

Tarinski traces the philosophical and political reasoning of works from Cornelius Castoriadis, Murray Bookchin, and others, in an almost pragmatically presented case for a radical direct democratic ‘organisational basis of our society’. He applies a considered focus on the ‘contextuality’ of historical as well as existing examples of direct democracy as ‘tests’ to his argument that explicitly recognises the complex interrelationship between the individual and society. The book concludes with an open-ended sense of persistence in realising the kinds of institutions we need to reinstitute and collectively claim power over.
(source: blurb)

About the Author
Yavor Tarinski was born in Sofia, Bulgaria, but contemporarily resides in Athens, Greece, where he is active in social movements. He currently participates in the editorial team of the political journal Babylonia and as bibliographer at Agora International. Yavor Tarinski writes for various international websites and is author of books and brochures focusing on direct democracy.

About the Publisher
Durty Books are an independent publisher based in Ireland.

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